Business Plan Writing

Business Plan Writing

How Long Should an Executive Summary be

In this article, you would learn how long should an executive summary be. As a business consultant, I highlight some other key things you need to know beyond the length of an executive summary. To speak to an Executive Summary Expert call +1-920-690-9064 When writing an executive summary one of the things you want to

Business Plan Writing

Business Plan VS Business Model: Key Difference

This is a major question people ask, they want to know the difference between a business plan and a business model. Key to note is that your business plan is incomplete if it doesn’t have a business model section more so if you are a for-profit venture. Business Plan VS Business Model: Key difference So

Business Plan Writing

#1 Rated Business Plan Writers in Nigeria

Business Plan Writers in Nigeria Through the years our business plan writers in Nigeria have provided business plan writing services for clients in Nigeria. We are the leading business plan writers in Lagos, Abuja, Port-Harcourt, etc. We have clients in every region in Nigeria. Whether you just want to start a business or you already

Business Plan Writing

Investor Pitch Deck: 12 Slides You Must Have to Win Investors

I have compiled the 12 most important slides that you need in your investor pitch deck or startup pitch deck to win investors. These slides will be helpful to you in your pitch deck design whether you are creating a VC; venture capital pitch deck, startup pitch deck, angel investor pitch deck, or business plan

Business Plan Writing

5 Tips Before You Pay Someone to Write a Business Plan for You

Before you pay someone to write a business plan for you, you want to check out five tips that we wrote to help you get the best business plan writing service. When it comes to getting a great business plan from professionals, I recommend using LGS Consulting, they have top brands in their clientele including

Business Plan Writing

Need Help Writing A Business Plan: 5 things you must know

Need help writing a business plan? We have compiled 5 things that you need to know in order to get a great business plan.   1. What should be the length of your business plan? Thinking about the length of your business plan right before writing is a very wrong approach. A lot of times,

Business Plan Writing

Professional Business Plan Writers for Hire

You only get one opportunity to impress investors, we have professional business plan writers for hire who would help you with a solid business plan with charts and graphs as well as financial projections for 3 or 5 years. You can check the #1 business plan writing company We have handled business planning projects involving