5 Tips Before You Pay Someone to Write a Business Plan for You

Before you pay someone to write a business plan for you, you want to check out five tips that we wrote to help you get the best business plan writing service.

When it comes to getting a great business plan from professionals, I recommend using LGS Consulting, they have top brands in their clientele including the VC of AirBnB.

1. Free Business Consultation

A good business plan is way beyond having words on paper. It should be able to help you achieve certain objectives.

These objectives may include:

  • raising funds,
  • serve as a blueprint,
  • seek partnership,
  • drive growth, etc.

Having a consultation before the business plan writing begins will help you establish the objectives that you want your business plan to help you achieve. In the words of Woodrow Wilson; “I not only use the brains that I have, but all I can borrow.” It is always a great idea to work with consultants you will share with you key tips to help you achieve your set business goals.

Sometimes people ask if it is good to pay someone to write a business plan or to write it themselves, well if you want to get the best, you will need an expert to help you, like they say “sometimes you only have one opportunity to make a good first impression with your business plan.”

2. Use A Service That Provides Revisions

You need to be sure that revisions would be supported before you pay someone to write a business plan for you.

Why is this important?  You must realize that business plans are not cast in stone if they were it would be difficult to make revisions or update it as your business grows.

During the business planning process, you may need to make some revisions, and this is absolutely fine.

But it is always a good idea to know if the business plan company that will be writing your business plan supports revisions.

Some business plan writing service would allow revisions to a certain number of times, after which any further revision would incur a little charge, and there are others that may give you unlimited revisions.

LGS Consulting is one of those companies that provide unlimited revisions with no additional charge.

3. What’s Their Track Record

You want a business plan writer that has a great record of writing professional business plans. Nobody wants to hire a novice to write their business plans. A very easy way to check their track record is to check their website!

Sorry if they don’t even have a website at this age and time!

So, check out their website and see if they have real testimonials. I use the word “real” because these days, it’s easy for people to give a false testimonial.

So check their website and be mindful to look out if the testimonials are from real organizations or businesses.

Once you are convinced about the testimonials on their website, then you can use the testimonial as a guide to know if the business plan writer is a good fit to write your business plan.

4. Delivery Time

The time delivery time for completing a business plan varies, depending on the nature of your business, the amount of research needed and the business plan company writing your business plan for you.

To avoid surprises, you want to be certain of the turnaround time.

And in a case where you have urgent need of a completed business plan, perhaps because you have a meeting scheduled with an investor; you want to communicate this ahead before you go ahead and pay someone to write a business plan for you.

But as a standard, between 10 to 21 days is a good turnaround time, however, if you need it earlier than that, you would have to communicate it to your business plan consultant to see if they can accommodate or expedite the business planning process for you.

5. Agree for a custom business plan

A custom business plan is one that is made solely for your business. And like you know, there are business plan templates almost everywhere you turn to, but the last thing you want is to have a business plan template used for your business plan.

You need a business plan that can express the uniqueness of your business, show your strengths, and can get investors hungry to be a part of it.

This can happen easily when you pay someone to write a custom business plan for you.

You are unique and so should your business plan be unique! No duplicates!

6. Don’t pay someone to write a business plan, who doesn’t know what investors want!

This is a bonus tip. Don’t pay someone to write a business plan, that doesn’t know what investors want, the reason is that, if you intend to raise funds, you need someone that understands what investors look out for in a business plan to help you write your business plan.

A business plan for personal use may not give attention to certain things investors look out for in a business plan.

So, working with a business plan writer that knows what investors look out for in a business plan, gives you an edge to win investors.

LGS consulting has handled involving top brands such as HP, VC of Uber and Twitter and many others. Chat with their consultants now.

Now, that you know, if you want to raise funds, you can’t just hire anybody, because with investors you may not have a second opportunity to make a good first impression. Other key things to check before paying someone to write a business plan for you.


Now, with these 5 tips, we hope you would be well guided before paying someone to write a business plan for you. If you want our team to help you write a professional business plan, we are here.

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